MTS provided contamination assessment and environmental consulting services, geotechnical consultation, soil density and concrete testing services and structural inspections.
MTS provided drilling services and geotechnical consultation for foundation and pavement designs, floor flatness surveys, soil density and concrete testing, and structural inspection services.
MTS provided drilling services and geotechnical consultation for foundation and pavement design, soil density and concrete testing, and structural inspection services.
MTS has provided drilling services, geotechnical consultation and materials testing of new track, storage and refueling facilities and pipeline projects.
MTS provided drilling services and geotechnical consultation for foundation and pavement design, soils and concrete testing and structural inspection services.
MTS provided contamination assessment and environmental consulting services, materials testing services and structural inspections.
MTS provided Phase I & II environmental site assessments, geotechnical consultation, materials testing services and structural inspections.
MTS has assisted the DSM with many projects through the years including drilling services and geotechnical consultation for foundations and pavement design, asphalt and stabilized subbase testing and inspections, soils and concrete testing and asbestos inspections.
MTS provided drilling services and geotechnical consultation for waste disposal cell design, earthen material testing including permeability/constant head testing, soil density and other materials testing services.
Contact us for your material testing needs, or to get more information call our office at 701-852-5553.
MTS provided drilling services and geotechnical consultation for foundation and pavement designs, soils and concrete testing, structural inspection services and environmental consultation.